Las Colinas Middle School
Parent Teacher Student Association
Effective Communication
Continue to use electronic communication to reach our parent community.
Continuous updates to PTSA website
Upload Parent Express to website weekly
Continue to build relationship between Parents & Staff
Increase the usage of the TAP resource by staff.
Have a PTSA presence at Staff Meetings, with consent and facilitation from Administration.
Continue to support our staff through PTSA Pals/Hospitality, enrichment and classroom donations.
Build Awareness of Volunteer Needs at Middle School with Parents
Add Volunteer Opportunities to the home page of our LCMS Website and include links to sign up.
Enhance our “marketing” of LCMS PTSA to 5th Grade Families of feeder schools.
Opportunity to sign up for Email Newsletter (Parent Express).
Include a Parent Information Table at the 5th Grade Parent Meeting with PTSA information and people to answer questions.
Invite 5th Grade Parents to help at Orientation.
Increase Membership
Increase our membership by 5%.
Come up with additional “member benefits” for our LCMS families.
Succeed in having 100% of our Teachers become members.
Online Web Store
Use online store for PTSA items
Find new payment method with lower fees / online store link
Provide More Enrichment to our Students
Continue to support staff in providing more electives/enrichment to our students.
Continue to provide educational and engaging field trips.
Science Day - Program for all students