Las Colinas Middle School
Parent Teacher Student Association
PTSA Forms
This section is for internal PTA Forms and Templates used by the Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and School Staff.
Cash Verification Form (For Making Deposits)
Please fill out this form completely and include it with the cash/checks from your event. All monies should be turned into the Financial Secretary. Please drop her an email if you have money to turn in. DO NOT leave money in the PTSA box. View Sample.
Payment Authorization Form (For Reimbursements)
Please fill out this form to request reimbursement or vendor payment. Make sure you attach any receipts/invoices you have and include your mailing address. You may leave this form with attachments in the PTSA Box in the office marked "Attention: Treasurer". Drop our treasurer an email for quick reimbursement.
Contact: Hannah Foote orDan Kuykendall
Request for Advance
Please fill out this form when you have a program or event which requires you to have advanced funds. This may be for providing change or having to have the cash to spend without having an invoice or the ability to be reimbursed. Leave this form in the PTSA Treasurers folder. You may leave this form with attachments in the PTSA Box in the office marked "Attention: Treasurer". Drop our treasurer an email for quick reimbursement.
Contact: Hannah Foote
Conflict/Whistleblower Form
This form addresses conflict of interest and the filing of complaints. It is required for all Board Members and Committee Chairs. Please print, complete and return to your VP. If you are unsure of who your VP is, you may look it up here.
Committee chairs should complete this motion slip and hand it to the recording secretary for all motions made at PTSA meetings.
Blank donation receipt for fundraising chairs to fill out and give to donors upon request.